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Rene Frey-Jennings
Oct 21, 20153 min read
Trauma and the brain
Trauma can be a result of one event or the result of several less severe events spread over a period of time (Richards, n.d.). The...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Jun 19, 20212 min read
Meditation -- benefits and what is it?
For years I’ve been meditating. It’s been a bit off and on over time but even if my practice has stopped for months I’ve always come back...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Nov 18, 20192 min read
Home, home on the mental health range
When it comes to mental health there’s a definite difference between mental health vs mental illness but there’s also quite a range of...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Aug 5, 20193 min read
Developing emotional stability
As suggested in my last post learning mindfulness and developing the Observer often starts with finding something to focus on, such as...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Apr 4, 20163 min read
Developing the 'Observer'
The last time I added to this blog was November 2015… 2016 has been a busy year for me in terms of further developing my Observer. In...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Nov 13, 20152 min read
Beginning the work toward better mental health
How does one begin to ‘work’ on their mental health when they’re in the depths of despair? How can one move from the kind of mental...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Oct 23, 20152 min read
How mindfulness reverses the effects of trauma
So, my question was, “Why, when I was committed to a practice of extended concentration and sustained focus on the breath, did it somehow...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Oct 22, 20152 min read
Other responses to trauma within the body/brain
Trauma can be a result of one event or the result of several less severe events spread over a period of time (Richards, n.d.). The entire...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Oct 19, 20151 min read
'Knee-jerk' reactions
I can honestly say the periods in my life in which I’ve experienced the most consistent level of emotional balance were times when I was...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Oct 19, 20152 min read
When mindfulness and technology meet
Since the days when I became interested in psychology, healing and spiritual practices – all of which support a mindful way of developing...
Rene Frey-Jennings
Oct 18, 20151 min read
Blog about mental health
This blog is a about mental health. It’s something that will take shape as it grows but mainly I expect it will be about healing and...
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